New Zealand

Posts tagged with 'New Zealand':

Cirque Ici in the Arts Festival

Just got back from Cirque Ici, one of the performances in the arts festival – really good.


Back in NZ

It's good to be home. Shop-front guy with microphone on Willis St:
“come in and get some great sunglasses and pay bugger all…”


Media7 on Labour's flop campaign

In addition to a bunch of stuff about past spin doctors and an interesting segment about the Maori Party and what its members up north have been trying to do for the local communities, the election night special of Russell Brown Media7 show had some interesting discussion about the recent campaign.


IRD NZ company tax calculator incorrect

Don't use the IRD tax calculator to estimate or calculate your company tax for 2008 – it's currently outright wrong. Despite asking you what tax year you want, and including the 2009 FY (April 2008 – March 2009) as an option, it does not have the correct data for that FY – it still calculates based on a company tax rate of 33% whereas it is now in fact 30%, as confirmed to me by the IRD:


NZ public holidays feed

The Department of Labour has for many years produced a handy page showing all the NZ public holiday dates. Today I noticed they also provide a handy iCal feed, so you can get these holidays automatically showing up in your iCal and let them automatically sync to your phone. Should probably work with Google Calendar too.


Tidal power - in 1966

I was pleased to read that tidal turbines for power generation are finally supposed to be installed (for test only at the moment) in the Cook Strait this year – though I can't find any info on whether it's actually happening at the moment. I suspect some doubters of the scheme might be confusing tidal power with the much less proven idea of wave power, because tidal power has been working well overseas for a long time – in fact one French plant has been operating since 1966!
