
Posts tagged with 'Powershop':

Introducing Powershop

I'm pleased to announce that the big project I've been working on for the last year is now launching. Powershop is a new New Zealand energy retailer that's not just another same-old power company; with Powershop, you get to choose whose power you want, and when you buy it. And it's all online, of course :). Oh and… it's currently a lot cheaper :).


Black Power!

Ari at Powershop has set up a cool promotion for new signups – signup from this Black Power promo and they'll give $20 to the important Creative Freedom Internet Blackout NZ campaign against the unjudicial ‘guilt on accusation’ law that's been passed on copyright infringements.


Powershop blogs

The @powershop search on twitter is turning up some interesting blogs – Alan Macdougall did a pretty in-depth look at whether Powershop will save his family money over a year (in short: he gets much less saving than some of us are getting), Ari from Powershop getting in and answering the questions everyone's coming up with. Meanwhile Nik at Code to Customer blogged an amusing telemarketing call from his old powercompany where he manages a bit of the ole' back-sell :). I'm finding it quite fun hearing how the blogosphere is reacting to the projects I've been working on!
