
Posts tagged with 'Cool':

JIT business in Bangkok

Youtube brings us this brill video of ‘just in time business processes’ in a Bangkok market with a train track running through the middle of it.


Wolves can fish!

Cool video, turns out wolves can fish for salmon, not unlike bears.


Beatbox cooker

Meg, who spends her evenings digging for tasty, nutritious tubers in the soft, lifegiving earth of Youtube, brings us these excellent video…


Porcelain cans

Think that's enough bad news for one night (working down my ‘things to blog’ folder). Check out these very cool bone china cans by Chinese artist Lei Xue.


UE aboard SS Independence/Oceanic

Brett steers me towards a great set of nighttime photos from a urban explorer onboard SS Independence/Oceanic, a derelict cruise liner tied up at SF.


Costume parties

So, turns out, there has been a second costume party worth going to :). Love the Sharbat Gula prop…


Geeky and shameless

Some dudes made a giant Settlers of Catan set for Burning Man in September. We wants :).


African building fractals

“I am a mathematician, and I would like to stand on your roof.” Ron Eglash gives a cool talk about how traditional African villages are built in fractal patterns – and how that is consciously related to the social structure.


Thou shalt not

If you missed the memo like me when this came out, this Dan le Sac vs. Scroobius Pip clip is excellent.


How to hide an aircraft factory

It's WWII, and you've got a Lockheed aircraft factory in Burbank, California, which is looking distinctly bombable. How do you hide it? You make a fake town on the roof – complete with houses, streets, and trees.


Darvaza flaming crater

Add this to the list of things I want to see before I die: a giant natural-gas-fed flaming crater near Darvaza in Turkmenistan, sometimes called ‘The Door to Hell’.


Chemicals having a party

It's hard not to like the EU, especially when it's turning out amusing videos like this.


Nordic explorations

We don't know what exactly is going on here (oil exploration?) but since it involves polar bears, icebreakers and submersibles, polar bears checking out the ships, guys standing around in places that look like they're about to go through the ice, polar bears, helicopters and hey, polar bears, we reckon it was probably cool fun.


Cooking of Catan

Not content with giant Catan, there had to come… annual cooking contests (thanks Sarah), recently completing its second year. The gingerbread of catan looks most playable but the cupcakes of catan look great. Tapas of Catan looks pretty swish too. Commence don't play with your food jokes…
