Plus zombies
2009-08-15 13:25:31
I think we're all agreed that Jane Austen and the whole regency set can't help but be improved by the addition of a few zombies etc.. However after the disappointing reviews for Pride and Prejudice and Zombies leaving us hesitant to try that and unsure about the due-in-September follow-up from the same admittedly-fun-looking publishing house, Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters, I'm holding out more hope for the due-out-in-October Queen Victoria: Demon-Hunter, which I'm really hoping turns out to have more of the feeling of Neil Gaiman's Lovecraft/Sherlock Holmes mash-up ‘A Study in Emerald’ short story (in Fragile Things, thanks Mary), which was loads of fun (and won the Hugo for best short story in 2004).